Teacher Lily


I don’t want an average life, I want a full life. And I’m betting so do you. Though our definitions of “full” will vary, we all want more. This desire is not immoral or unspiritual, and is something that God wants for us as well.

The capacities to envision, plan and dream are inherent to humanity and necessary for any good work to occur. But, how easy is it to lose sight of the purpose of our toil and not see the forest for the trees or put the carriage before the horse. Soon, planning deteriorates into worrying, and anxiety keeps us up at night and steals the enjoyment of simple things during the day. And when gratitude and joy are choked out long enough, bitterness and entitlement are quick to take their place.

This Thanksgiving week, would you follow some simple advice to living with less anxiety: “Observe how the lilies of the field grow” (Matthew 6:28). That’s it! Just get out of the house on your day(s) off and get perspective. Look at the grandness and smallness of all that surrounds you. Contemplate the mountains and their valleys. Feel the wind. See the beauty. Touch the flowers. Strength and submission surrounds us through the balance of nature. And the God that put that all in its place, placed you here, too. And you are so much more valuable!

Personal GrowthRobert Chun