That Train


Regret is a silent self killer. It quietly eats away at our insides until we feel sick with bitterness or envy. We're angry with ourselves for being late to the game and our minds play the "if only" soundtrack on repeat. We look at what other people have/have done and wonder why we didn't seize/have opportunities to have/do the same. We're angry with the people that hurt us and left us. And there we are, just standing on the cold quiet tracks, loathing ourselves and despising others.

We wanted to be on THAT train! But as long as we're looking at the trains that have already passed, we'll miss too many of the ones we can get on. Stop yearning for the people who have left and open your heart to the people who want in. Chalk up missed personal or business opportunities as expensive and necessary lessons to make you a better, and now more ready, version of yourself. So get your stuff ready and your act together because another one's coming!

Personal GrowthRobert Chun