The World Is Our Playground So Don't Stop Dreaming

Earth playground

When living our lives, grinding in our careers, leading our marriages or raising our kids, we must not lose our sense of adventure and exploration. Life is too short to not take risks, our careers are too uncertain to play it safe, our marriages are too important to stay in ruts, and our kids have too much potential to stifle their dreams.

When we stop dreaming, we stop truly living

So revive old dreams and start making new ones. Jealousy, envy, discontentment, strife, and bitterness only kill dreams because they keep our focus on what others are doing and take our focus off of what God can do in/through us. So put these behind you and let faith, hope, courage, grit and integrity be your compass.

You were placed on this Earth to do amazing things!

God gave you breath for a higher reason. He gave you capacities for a nobler cause. He has embedded courage and desire into your heart and perseverance and ambition into your soul. God created the expanse of the universe and all it contains and says to you, His wonderful creation, "How large can you dream and endeavor to go? How far can what I have given you take you?" In this way, the universe becomes the playground for His creation and the platform on which He chooses to grow, develop and expand our hearts and minds.

So fight good fights

God says our days are numbered and this is reason to fight good fights, not get hung up on bad ones. Put an end to those same old quarrels and stubborn feelings of not being good enough or not having enough opportunities.

This day dawns for you! And as the sun rises, so does your potential to do something meaningful. So get up and do something worthy of the giver of this day. If your adventure requires you to roll up your sleeves, scrape your knees, traverse trenches and climb hills, I say, BRING IT ON!

These days will bead together and something exhilarating and beautiful will soon emerge.

Have a great day in your playground!