Vantage Point


Perspective changes everything!

Depending on which way we look at something (or someone), we can be grateful or bitter, floating with satisfaction or sunken in envy. The condition of our hearts and position of our minds have the power to alter our experience and, subsequently, our expressions.

Disappointing circumstances and relationships are usually not objectively so; but, rather, they were steered that way through a series of unmet expectations that I deemed important. But seeing things from the other person’s vantage point yields many good things—empathy, patience, humility, to name a few. It changes our normal modes of conversation from speaking and waiting to speak, to speaking and actually listening.

Many blessings are not, at first, outwardly so; but they need to be mined out of the rocks of despair. But these, once chiseled out, are so much more satisfying.

Personal GrowthRobert Chun