A Praying Dad: Establishing a Prayer Life

praying dad

This morning, as I was sitting in my usual spot on the couch, I ended up spending an hour writing notes for this Sunday’s sermon that rose in my heart when I got up. Then, a little earlier than usual, I heard footsteps come down the stairs and it was Jacob. He wasn’t curious or frightened. He turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs and looked over as if he knew I would be sitting right there.

In that moment, I was so thankful! I’ve always wanted to be a good dad (whatever that means!). I’ve wanted to be present with our boys, loving them through mistakes, affirming them in their gifts, leading them to healthy self-worth and identity, and (most importantly) modeling for them a love for Jesus.

Our kids are watching

Today, Jacob’s demeanor as he turned that corner spoke a thousand words. He sat on my lap without hesitation and, as I placed my notebook and pencil down, I wrapped my arms around him and began to pray. It was exactly what he was expecting would happen.

Though I have prayed these last years, I haven’t had a prayer life. This is humbling for me to admit as a pastor. Praying for God to lead me in my message preparation and delivery, this I’ve done. Requesting things that I deemed we needed and even wanted, this I’ve done. Interceding when someone asks for prayer or I become aware of a problem, this I’ve done. But, I haven’t regularly established a prayer altar where my prayer life transcends these things.

Today marks 3 weeks since my rebirth! This time has rebuilt my heart and my hope, and has set me on a fresh personal and pastoral path.

I want to be a good dad and all that that entails, but I want to be sure that a praying dad is etched on that list.