Overloaded Ram


There are times when I try to do too much and it negatively impacts everything. I take on another work responsibility because the circumstances necessitate it while juggling the increasing number of responsibilities at home, and trying to do things perfectly the whole time. The end result is exactly what happens when I have multiple memory-hungry programs open on my laptop: everything freezes and the spinning wheel appears (which is horrifying to see, especially when I haven’t saved changes 😬).

We live and work in a time when we allow ourselves to always be on and connected, whether it’s being accessible for work, cloud connected to projects and tapped into social media. If you find that that spinning wheel shows its ugly head more often than not lately, (1) learn to bucket your daily schedule to focus on one task at a time, starting with the most essential responsibilities in the morning, (2) have clear transitional buffers that close your mind to the previous task before starting the next, i.e. get up and walk around, enjoy a beverage, change your environment, just sit and do nothing for 15 mins, etc., and (3) spend time to clear your mind/heart in prayer/meditation which is essentially like a reset.

Personal GrowthRobert Chun