

Approximately 80% of Americans have a sibling and the sibling relationship is the longest relationship most people will have in their lives because parents pass on and spouses and kids come later.

Our boys are 26 months apart and watching them interact at this young age has its moments that both warm and ache our hearts. They most definitely fight over toys and tease each other, but that’s not what dominates their relationship. Those moments of bickering are only accents to the deeper picture of love and bond of brotherhood that is forming. I can see that Jacob looks out for his younger brother and that Christopher really looks up to his older brother. Whether at rest or play, they enjoy being around each other. As parents, it’s really cute to see them act like a pair of puppies with overlapping limbs and cuddled together. If one of them is playing on the floor, the other will often come right beside and throw his leg over the other’s.

I know that these displays of affection will evolve with age because it’ll be just weird if they did that as adults 😝; but may they always have a confidant, co-laborer, counselor, coach and cheerleader in each other. Whether you live in the same city or dwell on different continents with your sibling, won’t you send a message right now to let them know you’re thinking of them and love them dearly.