

Your version of taking risks is probably not standing on the ledge of a canyon, and neither is mine, but we can all imagine the inner exhilaration of beholding that chasm from that vantage point, which would only be magnified even more because of the fear that was overcome to get there.

Some of you who are reading this are conflicted within. You know the choices before you and have weighed their merit. Likely, at least one option will be generally well-received and minimally taxing, which means you will likely succeed at it. And at least one option will be a swing-for-the-fences type and require much of you. You likely dread it and are drawn towards it for the same reasons. The cost is more, but so is the payoff. If you chose this one, you’ll wonder if you can make it and repeatedly question your ability and resolve. You’ll be scaling that hill and wondering why you left that picnic table behind. It’s painful. It’s hard. It’s long. But everything changes at the top. You’ll be gasping for air, but counting your blessings for choosing the hard, but worthy, road.

Personal GrowthRobert Chun