Strong Children

These are my boys, Jacob, 5, and Christopher, 3, and they steal my heart every day. After 11 years of marriage and two kids, I’m convinced even more that the home is the most important place of personal formation and incubator of potential on Earth. I’ve been teaching/leading people of all ages for the past 20 years and one thing is clear: change doesn’t happen easily. 

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Happy Tuesday (or day before Thanksgiving eve)! This past Saturday, I had the privilege to serve alongside some amazing folks to serve turkey meals to 70+ underserved people in Orange County, CA. There were young people, old people, singles and families. 

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun

Yesterday, it rained and all our boys could think of was going out to play and all I could think of was why that was a bad idea. It got me thinking of my childhood and how I used to love jumping in puddles and not having a dry inch on my body. That got me to ask a question: When did I start trying to avoid the rain?

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That Train

Regret is a silent self killer. It quietly eats away at our insides until we feel sick with bitterness or envy. We're angry with ourselves for being late to the game and our minds play "if only" on repeat. We look at what other people have/have done and wonder why we didn't seize/have opportunities to have/do the same. 

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun

They say people remember 90% of the details of their first kiss. This is because kissing is a big deal, or at least it should be. But, too often, kissing our spouses over time can become more about routine and less about passion. 

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Though life may be a gradual arc, our energy and focus within that span are not. Opportunities and motivation usually comes in bunches, so seize the moments when they come; and only after giving everything you've got, unplug, kick back and just enjoy yourself.

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun
Yellow Spot

Our dedicated toil in leading our families and doing our work may look like mere paint splatters to others, but we must always be guided by the beauty and purpose we see in our kids, spouses, loved ones and work of our lives.

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun
4-Part Beings

Too often, the pace of our lives causes us to neglect our overall health. It’s always beneficial to slow down and self-exam our 4 parts: body, mind, feelings and spirit. Sometimes we see the warning lights on the dash but don’t look under the hood or get things fixed because the car still drives. Let’s not wait for full breakdowns.

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun

Be sure to take moments in your journey to slow down and soak in life’s inherent beauty. Beauty surrounds you! See it in the people, places, experiences and things—big and small, visible and hidden, stated and silent.

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun
Important Not Urgent

I'm a part of a book club that meets every two months and Covey's classic must-read, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, was our book at yesterday's meeting. Quadrant 2 living is where we need to spend a good chunk of our time if we want to achieve significant things in our lives, through our careers and with our families. So let's get going!

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Personal GrowthRobert Chun
The Moment

We work hard to advance in our careers and provide for our families. When the stresses and responsibilities mount, sometimes we just need to hold those we love close to us to remind us why we work so hard.

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Love Rails

All the parenting books and mentorship helped when we had our first child but, even then, we didn't have a clue 😂. We're learning as we go and we are better parents, not despite our mistakes, but because of them, for it was the mistakes that gave our love a deeper meaning. Let's strive to be loving and learning parents, not perfect ones!

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